A correlation between oxidative stress and hypertriglyceridemia in lichen planus - A case control study

Authors : Manasa D.R, Manasa D.R, Chandru M.C, Chandru M.C

DOI : 10.18231/2394-6377.2019.0015

Volume : 6

Issue : 1

Year : 2019

Page No : 56-60

Introduction and Objective: Chronic inflammation & lipid peroxidation plays a pivotal role in the etiopathogenesis of cardiovascular risks in many clinical conditions. Whereas, Lichen planus (LP), is a chronic skin inflammatory disorder which disturbs lipid metabolism& increases the lipid peroxides. However, there are limited data about the correlation between oxidative stress & hypertriglyceridemia in LP, hence the study was undertaken to 1) Estimate the levels of TG (triglycerides) & MDA (malondialdehyde) levels & 2) to correlate between the MDA & TG levels in LP patients.
Materials and Methods: A case control study was done at KIMS hospital, Hubli, which included 50 LP patients and 50 healthy individuals. Serum levels of TG (GPO-PAP method) and MDA (TBA method) was done.
Result: Patients with LP presented higher significant TG values (182.93 vs. 113 mg? dl), MDA values (4.81 vs. 3.99 nmol/ml) vs. controls.Also,our study showed positive correlation between TAG & MDA levels which is statistically significant (0.012).
Interpretation and Conclusion: Thus,the present study showed increased levels of TG & MDA, indicating that hypertriglyceridemia & lipid peroxidation may have domino effect with each other due to chronic inflammation & thereby may increase the cardiovascular complications in LP patients.

Keywords: Atherosclerosis, Cardiovascular risks, Dyslipidemias, Chronic inflammation, Lichen planus, Oxidative stress.

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