Histomorphological study of invasive breast carcinoma and its prognostic scoring using Nottingham prognostic index

Authors : Shilpa Madhav Shetty, Kusum K N

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpo.2020.005

Volume : 7

Issue : 1

Year : 2020

Page No : 19-23

Introduction: Breast carcinoma is the common malignant tumor in women accounting for 15% of cancer
related deaths. Clinical history, examination and use of mammography has improved the diagnostic
approach to breast cancer. Nottingham prognostication index is considered to be a useful marker that
takes into consideration some of the important factors like tumor size, histologic grade and lymphnode
Aims and Objectives: 1. To study histomorphological distribution pattern of various invasive breast
carcinoma. 2. To estimate prognosis by using Nottingham prognostic index score.
Materials and Methods: One year six months descriptive study was performed which included all the
invasive breast carcinoma cases comprising of mastectomy specimen with lymphnode sampling. Based on
tumor size, histologic grade and lymphnode stage; Nottingham prognostic index score was calculated and
cases were categorised into different prognostic group.
Results: 68 cases were included in the study with 67 female patients and one male patient.
Histopathologically, 80.88% were Infiltrating ductal carcinoma – not otherwise specified. Tumor size
belonging to T2 in 66.17%. 45.58% showed no lymphnode involvement and 33.82% belonged to
lymphnode stage N1. Majority (50%) belonged to histologic grade II. Nottingham Prognostic Index (NPI)
score in 42.64% showed moderate prognosis.
Conclusion: Histomorphological study showed commonest lesion to be Infiltrating Ductal carcinomanot
otherwise specified and majority belonged to moderate prognosis category according to Nottingham
Prognostic Index score.

Keywords: Histomorphology, Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Tumor size, Nottingham Prognostic index.

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