Anatomic post and core- A novel approach to restore flared root canals: A case report

Authors : Anvitha Shetty, Ramya Raghu, Ashish Shetty, Gautham PM

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijohd.2019.010

Volume : 5

Issue : 1

Year : 2019

Page No : 41-43

Treating a flared root canal always poses a challenge to the clinician. If treated inappropriately, the root is prone to fracture thereby leading to catastrophic failure of the tooth. Reinforcing the canal with the help of anatomic post provides optimal stability and strength to the tooth. This case report focuses on the clinical technique of fabricating an anatomic post and reviews the various options to treat a flared canal.

Keywords: Flared canals, Anatomic post, Pre-fabricated post, Composite resin, Resin luting cement.

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