Antenatal umbilical cord coiling index as a predictor of pregnancy outcome

Authors : Takkellapati Aanandini, Lopamudra B John, Setu Rathod

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijogr.2021.078

Volume : 8

Issue : 3

Year : 2021

Page No : 383-387

Context: Fetal compromise as a major contributor to neonatal morbidity is of great concern for obstetricians. Antenatal risk assessment profiles are often insufficient in picking up these cases and hence need to be improved. Antenatal Umbilical cord Coiling Index (AUCI) is one such potential predictor which helps in identifying pregnant women who need close antepartum and intrapartum monitoring. It is determined by ultrasonogram antenatally and noted to be fixed throughout the pregnancy. This study aims at determining the association between AUCI and pregnancy outcome.
Settings and Design: This was a hospital based prospective analytical study conducted in a tertiary care centre in Pondicherry from January 2019 to May 2020. 207 pregnant women were included in the study and Colour doppler was performed and AUCI was noted. Participants were followed until delivery and pregnancy outcomes were noted.
Analysis used: Chi square and Fischer exact test.
Results : In the present study, among 207 subjects, 166 had normal AUCI i.e., 0.41 to 0.61. Hypocoiling was noted in 20 (< 0>0.61) subjects. Hypocoiling was associated with hypertension and oligohydramnios in10% cases each. Nonreasssuring fetal (NRFHR) heart rate, meconium stained liquor and low APGAR values were present in 15, 20 and 10% cases respectively. Hypercoiling was associated with diabetes (10%), hypertension (5%), oligohydramnios (10%), polyhydramnios (5%), NRFHR (10%) and meconium stained liquor (5%). However, there was no statistical significance among the above mentioned parameters.

Keywords: Antenatal umbilical cord coiling index, Maternal parameters, Neonatal outcome.

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