A structural equation model to analyze correlation between technostress, organizational climate, job satisfaction and organisational commitment of faculties in higher education during COVID-19

Authors : Veerendrakumar Kumar, Shreedevi Shintri

DOI : 10.18231/j.jmra.2022.026

Volume : 9

Issue : 3

Year : 2022

Page No : 137-143

There are several points of intersections on findings of authors on social and personal characteristics which brought diverse changes in personal and professional life, impacted social organizations and human relations (Lévy, 2001). Human relations are built on cyber culture which is more evident during COVID-19. This led to new ways of thinking and communicating among the individuals. Despite the substantial body of literature concerning different management models aligned with technostress and employee’s job satisfaction in the business field have not yet grown significantly. This paper aims to analyze and establish relation between technostress and employee’s job satisfaction by fitting a structural equation modeling approach. Analyses of the measurement model confirmed its convergent validity, composite reliability and discriminant validity. The analysis of the structural model showed discrepancies in some constructs, which, to some extent, disconfirm theoretical assumptions regarding the systemic and balanced relationships among the concepts. On the other hand, the results confirm the relationship between the variables. The study revealed the variables having impact on technostress, job satisfaction and organisational commitment in different proportions. Technostress also showed to have impact on job satisfaction and organisational commitment. The study used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method to find the relationship between technostress creators and Job satisfaction. The findings showed a negative impact of technostress creators on job satisfaction.

Keywords: Job satisfaction, Organisational Commitment, Technostress, Structural equation model (SEM)

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