DNA fountain: As storage system

Authors : Darshan Patel, Sohan Patel

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijcaap.2021.023

Volume : 6

Issue : 3

Year : 2021

Page No : 126-135

There are some new technologies introduced by scientist named “DNA Fountain”. This is a way to secureand keep data safely as long as possible. 455EB of data can be encoded in1 gm of single std. DNA. Atearly 20th century researchers did they effort to developed new technology for storing data it should be eco-friendly which does not produce any waste however that the development of that is very struggling andtedious but with the constant effort in this area make that possible. Castillo states that ‘all the informationin the entire internet could be located in device which is lesser than unit cubic inch. Goldman’s and someresearcher’s took a data file and that it was converted into the binary code and that they created effective andefficient relationship between binary code (0, 1) and genetic code (A, C, G, T) and then they synthesizedthe New DNA from the freshly made nucleotide sequences according to the binary code they also achievedsuccess however that, bigger problem is to retrieved the encoded data from DNA that problem solved bythe Bronholt. They developed efficient process for decoding the data from DNA finally, they achieve theall data which is encoded in DNA and also, they developed the calibrated and accurate method for that andthat technology named “DNA Fountain” Now a days that technology is on progress for more innovation inthis area.

Keywords: Binary code, Genetic code, Data storage, Technology, Encoding, Decoding

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