Comparision of effectiveness of calcium hyroxide and MTA when used as an indirect pulp therapy (IPT) material- A clinical and radiological assessment

Authors : Divyashree R, Kirthi Raj

DOI : 10.18231/j.jds.2020.014

Volume : 8

Issue : 2

Year : 2020

Page No : 56-61

Aim of the study: The present study assessed and compared the success of an IPT procedure both clinically and radiographically when Dycal and MTA were used as an IPT material on primary molars.
Materials and Methods: Children aged 4-9 years were screened and those who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were selected. Accordingly fiftychildren were divided into 2 groups with 25 patient in each group. Cavity preparation was done and the two test materials (Dycal and MTA) were placed at the base in their respective groups and restored with RMGIC. Post-operative radiograph was taken for baseline data. Patients were assessed at Subsequent at 1 and 6 months both clinically and radiographically.
Results: Both the test materials had formed a good biological seal, arrested further caries progression and did not cause any adverse pulpal reaction. However the amount of reparative dentin formed was highest in the Dycal group followed by MTA group.
Conclusion: Both the experimental materials Dycal and MTA showed reparative dentin formation at the end of 1 and 6 months and also formed a good biological seal and maintained vitality of the pulp which indicates both are good IPT material.

Keywords : Dycal, MTA, Indirect pulp capping, Reparative dentine, Pulp vitality

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