Cytology of spindle cell sarcomas-An institutional experience

Authors : Geetha Chilari, Geetha Chilari, Megha Harke Uppin, Megha Harke Uppin, Aruna Kumari Prayaga, Aruna Kumari Prayaga

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpo.2019.100

Volume : 6

Issue : 4

Year : 2019

Page No : 512-519

Introduction: Spindle cell sarcomas are a heterogeneous group including various histopathologic entities.
Grading of these tumors is the most important prognostic factor and has a bearing on patient management.
Cytology is well established tool for primary diagnosis of spindle cell sarcomas, particularly for recurrent
and metastatic lesions. Herein, we describe our experience with respect to morphology and cytologic
grading of spindle cell sarcomas and its histology correlation. Aims and objectives of this study is to
analyse cytological features of soft tissue spindle cells sarcomas and to grade spindle cells sarcomas on
cytology and to correlate with corresponding grading on histology wherever available.
Materials and Methods: All spindle cell sarcomas diagnosed on FNAC from January 2007 to May 2012
were included in the study. May-Grunwald-Giemsa and Pap stained smears with minimum of 4 slides with
at least 20 clusters were examined for each case. The sarcomas were subtyped wherever possible. Cytologic
and histopathologic grading was performed using Weir et al criteria and FNLCC system respectively. The
histopathology was correlated with the help of cell block, biopsy or subsequent resections.
Summary and Conclusion: Primary diagnosis of sarcoma is possible on FNAC with good clinical and
imageological correlation along with the use of ancillary techniques like Immunocytochemistry
Sub-typing is challenging for spindle cell sarcomas due to complex heterogeneity and morphological
overlap. Subtyping is possible for Synovial sarcomas.
There is an overall 81.8% concordance on grading. Though useful, Cytologic grading cannot be used as a
single tool for prognostication.
There is a need to modify the histologic criteria of grading so that more accurate and precise Cytologic
grading can be possible.

Keywords: Spindle cell sarcoma, Cytology, Histology, Subtyping, Grading.

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