The anatomy of the skin: concepts from ayurveda and computational modelling

Authors : Acharya Balkrishna, Shirley Telles, Ram Kumar Gupta

DOI : 10.18231/2394-2126.2018.0033

Volume : 5

Issue : 1

Year : 0

Page No : 150-153

Ayurveda used unique methods to understand human anatomy, which included examination of cadavers. Conventional anatomy is based on cadaver dissection with complex tools to understand histology. Computational modelling of the anatomy of the skin based on light attenuation at different wavelengths converted into corresponding chromophores gave a model which resembles that described in Ayurveda. The descriptions of the Ayurveda sages Charaka (Circa 500 B.C.) and Sushruta (Circa 600 B.C.) in classical Ayurveda are compared with contemporary, conventional anatomy and with the computational model. Such comparisons can facilitate an integrated approach to dermatology.

Keywords: Anatomy of skin, Ayurveda, Conventional histology.

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