Management of orthodontic emergencies - To act or not?

Authors : Shyamala N, Anand S

DOI : 10.18231/2395-499X.2018.0047

Volume : 4

Issue : 3

Year : 0

Page No : 205-207

Due to the increase in the popularity of social media, there is an increase demand of esthetic appeal among adults as well as children. There is no denying that teeth forms an integral part in increasing the overall esthetics of an individual. As the number of patients seeking orthodontic treatment is rising in the recent era the more are their concerns during the whole treatment process. Although orthodontic emergencies cannot be considered as actual emergencies there are only few cases which require immediate attention by an orthodontist and majority of them which can be dealt in an follow up appointment. The following review article shares the knowledge of the common orthodontic problems faced by patients undergoing orthodontic treatment and the management of these emergencies for general dental practitioners.

Keyword: Fixed appliance treatment, bracket breakage, Orthodontic emergencies, Patient discomfort.

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