Custom-made acrylic beads for Forsus reactivation

Authors : Sharvari Anand Kangarkar, Sangeeta A. Golwalkar, Kishor A. Chougule, Vikranth Shetty

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijodr.2022.036

Volume : 8

Issue : 3

Year : 2022

Page No : 214-217

The usage of the fixed functional appliances has increased over the years, mainly on the account of minimal demand for patient cooperation with these appliances. Though Forsus appliance provides sufficient activation for skeletal and mandibular correction with crimpable hooks, additional activation may be required in few cases. This clinical tip presents with a efficient and cost effective way for Forsus activation using customized acrylic beads.

Keywords: Acrylic beads, Forsus TM, reactivation

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