Comparison between two types of grids for placement of mini-screw implant in posterior maxillary segment

Authors : Abha Chansoria, Yogesh Gupta, Varunjeet Chaudhary, Neha Singh, Jas Kirat Singh

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijodr.2023.039

Volume : 9

Issue : 3

Year : 2023

Page No : 217-221

Use of mini-screw implants is in vogue. It has brought about a drastic change in day to day practise for orthodontists. Despite being the most popular source of anchorage, it is not easy for newer clinicians to perfectly figure out the site of implant placement and the accuracy by which it should be placed to avoid failure. A customised grid or mesh is the simplest way to gain assistance for placement of miniscrew implants. This article focuses on comparison of two types of grids for placement of implant accurately and to guide the clinician in such a way that minimises all the possible errors.

Keywords: Grid, TADs, Customised mesh, Placement of TAD, Anchorage

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