Determinants of MDR-TB in a metropolitan city of Karnataka: A case control study

Authors : Apoorva E Patel, Dinesh Rajaram, Radhika K , Lalitha K

DOI : 10.18231/j.jchm.2021.014

Volume : 8

Issue : 2

Year : 2021

Page No : 60-64

Introduction: In India with its current prevalence of 2.8% and 12% among newly diagnosed and previously treated TB cases respectively, MDR-TB poses a greater challenge in the management; requiring longer duration of treatment, use of second-line drugs that are more costly with severe side effects.
Objective: To study the determinants of MDR-TB in a metropolitan city.
Methodology: A Case Control study was conducted in Bengaluru, Karnataka between April 2014-February 2015 on 52 MDR-TB cases and 53 controls (Non MDR-TB cases). Univariate analysis including descriptive statistics along with Chi-square test and Multivariate logistic regression were used to analyse the data.
Results: Proportion of having ?2 previous episodes of TB among MDR-TB cases were 65.3% as compared to 40.8% among non MDR-TB cases (AOR 2.9; 95% CI 1.15-7.51), proportion of treatment default/treatment failure in the previous first episode of TB among MDR-TB cases was 67.3% as compared to 46.9% among non MDR-TB cases (AOR 6.0; 95% CI 2.0-18.2).
Conclusion: Two or more previous episodes of TB and treatment default/treatment failure in the previous first episode of TB were found to be independent determinants of MDR-TB. Hence a prompt approach in treating TB and early diagnosis of MDR-TB will reduce the disease severity.

Keywords : MDR- TB, DR- TB, Determinants, Bengaluru.

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