Globe salvaging conservative management of Retinoblastoma

Authors : Hom Bahadur Gurung, Purnima Rajkarnikar Sthapit, Saiju Rohit

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijooo.2021.006

Volume : 7

Issue : 1

Year : 2021

Page No : 25-29

Purpose: Retinoblastoma is the most common intraocular tumor of children. Globe salvaging conservative management is gaining popularity with advances in early diagnosis and advent of focal and systemic therapies.
Materials and Methods: This study is retrospective noncomparative interventional study at oculoplasty and ocular oncology department of Tilganga Institute of ophthalmology, Nepal in 2017-18.
Results: Thirty-five retinoblastoma patients with forty-five affected eyes were treated during the study period. Twelve eyes were salvaged and twenty-six lives were saved though more than sixty five percent of eyes were in group D or E. We could avoid exenteration and minimize enucleation in the study.
Conclusion: Globe salvaging management is possible with early diagnosis and multimodal management.

Keywords: Eye Neoplasms, Pediatric Cancer, Periocular Chemotherapy, Retinoblastoma, Transpupillary Thermotherapy.

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