Prosthodontic rehabilitation of compromised upper and lower residual alveolar ridges: A case report

Authors : K Sounder Raj, S Suganya, Gagan Malode

DOI : 10.18231/j.aprd.2021.019

Volume : 7

Issue : 2

Year : 2021

Page No : 91-96

Residual ridge resorption is the reduction in size of the bony ridge under the mucoperiosteum. Obtaining retention and stability in a severely resorbed ridges using a conventional technique is a tedious task. The resorption occurs at a faster rate in mandibular arch as compared to the maxillary arch. In order to have a favorable prognosis for the denture therapy, impression technique selected should be based on the present state of the basal tissue support for mandible. In this article neutral zone concept was incorporated in to impression making in an effort to achieve successful mandibular complete denture. The anterior region of
maxilla is the most affected area in edentulous patients. Complete denture wearers with flabby ridges may face a number of difficulties, of which major complaints would be pain, compromised stability, support, and retention and an ill-fitting denture. Special impressions often involve window technique for static impression of flabby area, which present multiple challenges. This article presents a case report of modified widow impression technique for maxillary anterior flabby tissues along with a hollow maxillary complete denture in a patient with resorbed maxillary and mandibular ridges with increased interridge distance to
reduce the weight of the prosthesis and thereby enhances the retention.

Keywords: Residual ridge resorption, Flabby tissues, Neutral zone technique, Modified window technique, Hollow denture.

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