Lasers in orthodontics-Current update

Authors : Rehan Khan, Nabanita Baruah, Arpita Kashyap, Rajashree Bhattacharjee

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijodr.2022.016

Volume : 8

Issue : 2

Year : 2022

Page No : 83-89

Ever since the development of lasers in the 1960s and subsequent introduction to the medical and dental field, it has become a must-have armamentarium in the orthodontic and dental office. Lasers offer a wide range of applications in orthodontic practice with the advantage of safety, convenience, reduced postoperative pain & discomfort. Lasers have applications in soft tissue management, hard tissue management as well as in the manufacturing process of various orthodontic appliances.

Keywords: Lasers, Orthodontics, Gingivectomy, Gingivoplasty, Frenectomy, Pain reduction, Low­level diode laser

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