A cadaveric study on chordae tendinae of human tricuspid valve

Authors : Harsha B R , Chandragirish S , Girish V Patil

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijcap.2021.050

Volume : 8

Issue : 3

Year : 2021

Page No : 226-229

Background: Aim of the present study was to observe the types of chordae tendinae present in tricuspid valve of human heart. Morphology of chordae tendinae in tricuspid valve gains utmost importance in cardiac surgeries in recent times because advent in modern technologies in treatment of tricuspid valve diseases.
Materials and Methods: This study was carried out on 96 normal formalin fixed human post-mortem heart specimens. Types of chordae tendinae observed on the basis of their attachments.
Results: Chordae tendinae were observed in all specimens. Five types of chordae tendinae were identified namely rough zone, free edge, fan shaped, deep and basal chordae. Anterior papillary muscle was seen providing attachment to 2 to 9; Posterior papillary muscles were seen with 1 to 6 and Septal papillary muscles provided attachment to 1 to 4 chordae tendinae.
Conclusion: We hope this study will serve to understand the tricuspid valve complex and types of different chordae tendinae better and it will help in various surgical procedures done on tricuspid valve.

Keywords: Tricuspid valve, Chordae tendinae, Morphology.

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