A literature review on use of lasers in the field of orthodontics

Authors : Sunny Sharma, Sonali , Madhvi Chauhan, Puneet Kour, Chander Udhey, Naveen Benjwal

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijodr.2021.044

Volume : 7

Issue : 4

Year : 2021

Page No : 271-273

Lasers has been used from the past more than forty years in the different field of dentistry. The use of lasers becomes more common in the field of dentistry because of there various applications like they help in reducing the pain perception while doing the procedure, they helps in making the operative field blood less, while dong the operative procedure in dentistry, makes it more approachable for the clinical practice in dentistry. In the field of orthodontics lasers helps in accepting the treatment by the patient as with the help of the lasers application efficiency of the treatment can be improved, lasers helps in improving the esthetics of the patient smile, by reducing the pain discomfort.

Keywords: Lasers, CO2 lasers, Diode lasers, Lasers in orthodontics, Tooth movement

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