Systemic antimicrobials for putative pathogens: immense snag for antibiotics against melange of microfloral etiology

Authors : Harish Saluja, Shivani Sachdeva*

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijmi.2023.019

Volume : 9

Issue : 3

Year : 2023

Page No : 99-114

Inflammation starts and progresses because of biofilm, which is thought to be a main etiologic agent. Restoring the health status of periodontal tissues involves reducing the bacterial burden in periodontal pockets. The use of antibiotics as an adjuvant treatment is necessary in some circumstances, such as aggressive periodontitis, to get rid of harmful bacteria that have deeply penetrated the connective tissue and may later colonise the root surface and cause the illness to return. Penicillin was the first antibiotic historically used to treat periodontal disease and was taken systemically. Amoxicillin was later employed due of its impact on a number of important periodontal bacteria. Penicillin was the first antibiotic historically used to treat periodontal disease and was taken systemically. Amoxicillin was later employed due of its impact on a number of important periodontal bacteria. In conclusion, despite a number of disadvantages, the use of antibiotics continues to be the most common and successful addition to mechanical periodontal therapy. However, these medications' undeniable drawbacks and restrictions cause the allure of using them to start to wear off. Based on a deeper understanding of the nature and aetiology of periodontal illnesses, this necessitates the search for new complementary treatments of periodontal therapy.Penicillin was the first antibiotic historically used to treat periodontal disease and was taken systemically. Amoxicillin was later employed due of its impact on a number of important periodontal bacteria.

Keywords: Periodontitis, Periodontal infections

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