Study of diaphyseal nutrient foramina in human typical lower limb long bones

Authors : Prasanna Shravan Gaydhanker, Sanjay Mansingh Rathod

DOI : 10.18231/2394-2126.2018.0010

Volume : 5

Issue : 1

Year : 0

Page No : 37-41

Higher percentage of the nutrient foramina on femur was double while tibia and fibula showed single nutrient foramina. We studied the number, size, direction and foraminal index of diaphysis nutrient foramines of femur tibiae & fibulae in manner in which other authors studied. For the study, 450 dry bones (150 femora, 150 tibiae and 150 fibulae) of adult subjects of unknown sex & age were used from the Anatomy Museum of Government Medical College Miraj & Other medical colleges in Maharashtra, India. Of the 150 femora, tibiae & fibulae dominant foramina were 120(61.54%), 67(42.14%) & 32(20.38%) respectively and secondary foramina were 75(38.46%), 92(57.86%) & 125(79.62%) respectively. This information will be of great importance to orthopedician surgeons performing surgical procedures of the lower limb fractures.
Aim and Objective: A detailed study was conducted for: Number and size of nutrient foramina in human lower limb typical long bones; Direction of nutrient foramina; Foraminal index.

Keywords: Femur, Fibulae, Foraminal index, Nutrient foramina, Tibiae, Typical lower limb long Bones.

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