Uveitis m asquerade syndrome

Authors : K Kalaivani

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijooo.2020.016

Volume : 6

Issue : 1

Year : 2020

Page No : 79-80

Uveitis Masquerade syndrome comprises a group of disorders simulating a chronic idiopathic uveitis
with an underlying primary cause. This article reviews both benign and malignant conditions that mimic
as uveitis. Though uveitis masquerade syndromes are generally uncommon constituting less than 3%of
patients in uveitis referral clinics and well under 1% of patients with uveitis seen in general ophthalmology,
their recognition is essential for proper management and in some instances may be life saving.

Keywords: Chronic uveitis, Ocular inflammation, Neoplasia, Metastasis.

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