Study of serum endothelial lipase levels and its gene polymorphism (LIPG 584C/T) in coronary heart disease in Indian population

Authors : Rashmi Verma

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijcbr.2019.126

Volume : 6

Issue : 4

Year : 2019

Page No : 611-617

Introduction: Endothelial lipase is a phospholipase A1 with preference for HDL phospholipids. Previous
studies suggest role of EL in negatively regulating HDL-C levels consequently increasing cardiovascular
risk. Various factors modulate EL levels and LIPG single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) is one such
factor. LIPG SNP 584C/T is a relatively more prevalent SNP, but its role remains unclear till now wa
rranting further investigation.
Materials and Methods: We conducted a case control study recruiting 160 subjects. The case group
included 120 subjects divided into three groups of 40 each, namely myocardial infarction (MI), unstable
angina (USA) and stable angina (SA) group. The control group also comprised of 40 subjects. Serum levels
of EL and hs-CRP were estimated using ELISA while lipid profile parameters (HDL-C, LDL-C, TAG and
total cholesterol) were measured by enzymatic methods on AU-400 autoanalyzer. LIPG 584C/T SNP was
studied by DNA extraction from whole blood followed by RFLP-PCR.
Results: EL levels were higher in cases than controls (p value=0.004). Negative correlation was observed
between EL and HDL-C levels (r= -0.384; p value<0> evaluate effect of EL on CHD gave an Odd’s ratio of 1.017 (p value=0.039). No significant difference was
seen in genotypic distribution between cases and controls. Also HDL-C levels did not differ significantly
in the different genotypic groups.
Conclusion: Though endothelial lipase levels negatively correlate with serum HDL-C levels, the strength
of association between raised EL levels and presence of CHD is weak. Also no significant association was
seen between CHD and LIPG 584C/T SNP.

Keywords: Endothelial lipase, HDL-C, Coronary heart disease, LIPG 584C/T.

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