Caesarean scar pregnancy: A rare form of ectopic pregnancy

Authors : Mily Pandey, Monu Singh, Achla Batra, B. Preethi, Inlo Miuli

DOI : 10.18231/2394-2754.2018.0099

Volume : 5

Issue : 3

Year : 0

Page No : 433-435

Pregnancy in a caesarean scar is a rare entity where the pregnancy is implanted into a prior caesarean delivery uterine scar and located outside the normal uterine cavity. We report a case of caesarean scar ectopic pregnancy occurring in the scar of a previous caesarean section, diagnosed by ultrasonography and Doppler and the surgical management of such a case following failure of medical therapy. We present history, clinical findings and imaging of our case followed by discussion about, diagnosing and management of such a case and the options available.

Keywords: CSP – Caesarean scar pregnancy, LSCS- Lower segment caesarean section, POG – Period of gestation.

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