Different types of medical emergencies in dental practice: A review

Authors : Geeta Kalra, Geeta Kalra, Nikita Suri, Nikita Suri, Asmat Dhindsa, Asmat Dhindsa, Kuldip Kaur, Kuldip Kaur, Diksha Jangra, Diksha Jangra, Rajnish Kaur, Rajnish Kaur

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijmi.2022.014

Volume : 8

Issue : 2

Year : 2022

Page No : 59-62

Fortunately medical emergencies rarely occurs in daily dental practice. The risk of any serious complications can be reduced by ensuring that the basic life supporting drugs are in the appropriate place and the whole dental team should be well trained in basic life support measures. It is important for a dental practioner to have a thorough knowledge in recognizing and carrying out its initial management.

Keywords: Dental practioner, Medical emergencies, Syncope, Hypersensitivity, Hypoglycemia

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