Rapid maxillary expansion-A review

Authors : Shalabh Baxi, Virendra Vadher, Suruchi Satyajit Tekade, Virag Bhatiya, Madhur Navlani

DOI : 10.18231/j.jco.2022.023

Volume : 6

Issue : 3

Year : 2022

Page No : 125-129

Maxillary expansion treatments have been used for more than a century to correct maxillary transverse deficiency. Three expansion treatment modalities are used today: rapid maxillary expansion (RME), slow maxillary expansion (SME) and surgically assisted maxillary expansion. Since each treatment modality has advantages and disadvantages, controversy regarding the use of each exists. Rapid Maxillary expansion or palatal expansion as it is sometimes called, occupies unique niche in dentofacial therapy. Rapid Maxillary expansion is a skeletal type of expansion that involves the separation of the mid-palatal suture and movement of the maxillary shelves away from each other.

Keywords: Rapid maxillary expansion, Slow maxillary expansion, Transverse deficiency, Palatal, Suture

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