The effectiveness of structure teaching programme (STP) on knowledge regarding Bio Medical Waste Management among B.SC nursing students

Authors : Phibina Chilate, Phibina Chilate

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpns.2022.031

Volume : 5

Issue : 4

Year : 2022

Page No : 193-201

Introduction: Biomedical Waste Management has recently emerged as an issue of major concern not only to hospital nursing home authorities but also to the environment. The Biomedical Waste generated from healthcare units depends upon a number of factor such as waste management method. Types of health care unit occupancy of health care units specialization of health care units ratio of reusable items in use availability of infrastructure and resources etc.
Materials and Methods: Research Approach:- the research approach is an umbrella that cover the basic procedure for conducting research.” The present study is aimed to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching module on the knowledge of bio-medical waste management of nursing 2year and 3 year students at the government college of nursing durg. Research design:“research design is the researcher’s over are plan for answering the research question or testing used in pre-experimental research hypothesis.” this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge of bio-medical waste management among nursing 2 year and 3 year in govt. college of nursing durg setting of the study:- the study was conducted in government college of nursing durg. (c.g) sample:-The sample present study students of Govt. College of Nursing Durg.
Result: The result of the B.Sc. Nursing student revealed that maximum B.Sc. Nursing Student 74% were in age group of 21-24 year minimum 22% were the age group 18-20 year. As regards to gender 100% all female in B.Sc. Nursing students. As regard source of knowledge in B.Sc. Nursing students maximum 78% in hospital and minimum 14% book or 8% conference, workshop. As regard to living pattern in B.Sc. Nursing student maximum 80% are hosteller minimum 14% on house and 6% paying. As regard training practice in B.Sc Nursing Students 100% all students training practice is govt. District Hospital Durg. As regards name of the hospital that work on B.Sc. Nursing Student all 100% student work on Pandurang Ramarow Dongaukar Dist. Hospital Durg. There is significance association of knowledge level of B.Sc. Nursing Students at P ? 0.05 level was significant the gender of the students at P ? 0.05 not significant the source of knowledge of students at P ? 0.05 level was not significant the living pattern of student at P ? 0.05 not significant the training practice of B.Sc. Nursing students at P ? 0.05 not significant the name of hospital work of B.Sc. Nursing student at P ? 0.05 level was not significant.
Summary: An experimental research approach was used to determine the knowledge regarding Bio-Medical Waste Management B.SC Nursing 2 year and 3 year students. Review of literature was done. The tools was developed to assess the knowledge regarding Bio Medical Waste Management Nursing 2 year & 3 year students.
Conclusion: According to our study we found that maximum no of B.Sc. Nursing students have good knowledge and positive attitude toward Bio medical waste management since the improve quality of care and student one more aware of Bio Medical waste management.

Keywords: STP: Structured Teaching Programme, Bio-Medical Waste Management, Hazardous

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