Unconventional dentures – A literature review

Authors : Shaik Riyaz Basha, M. Sujesh, Sadaf Alvi, Nirban Mitra

DOI : 10.18231/2581-480X.2018.0011

Volume : 4

Issue : 2

Year : 0

Page No : 35-37

Routine complications faced by the dentist include atrophic ridge, microstomia, flabby tissue, xerostomia, bony exostosis, labially inclined premaxilla, esthetic demand, bruxism, systemic disorders, patient’s demand for duplicating dentures, etc. Management of these difficulties can be done by proper incorporating of suitable materials and advanced techniques. This article describes the unconventional approaches to various modalities so as to provide ultimate satisfaction for the patient.

Keywords: Unconventional dentures, Liquid supported dentures, Xerostomia.

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