Andrew’s bridge: A prosthetic option for missing anterior teeth with severe ridge defect

Authors : Mahimaa Gupta, Rishabh Keshri, Pooran Chand, Sunit Kumar Jurel, Raghuwar Dayal Singh

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijohd.2020.030

Volume : 6

Issue : 2

Year : 2020

Page No : 137-140

Prosthodontic rehabilitation of mandibular anterior missing teeth with large ridge defect due to poor
abutment support and inadequate quality and quantity of bone. Often, a customised treatment plan has
to be drawn to meet patient’s requirement of estheics, form, function and longevity of the prosthesis. This
article describes procedure for fabrication of fixed-removable type of prosthesis in such cases.

Keywords: Andrew’s bridge, Ridge defect, Mandibular anterior, Horix bar attachment.

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