Oncocytic lipoadenoma of parotid gland with sebaceous differentiation

Authors : Vadlamudi Swathi, HR. Chandrasekhar

DOI : 10.18231/2394-6792.2018.0100

Volume : 5

Issue : 3

Year : 0

Page No : 516-517

Oncocytic lipoadenoma a rare benign neoplasm of salivary gland was first described by Hirokawa et al in submandibular gland. We report a case of oncocytic lipoadenoma (oncocytic sialolipoma) in a 69 year old male who presented with an asymptomatic mass in right parotid region for the past 3 months. Grossly the lesion was well encapsulated with homogenous mahogany brown with focal grey yellow areas. Microscopically the lesion was completely encapsulated and showed an intimate admixture of oncocytes and mature adipocytes in almost equal proportion, with areas of focal sebaceous differentiation.

Keywords: Salivary gland, Oncocytes, Oncocytic lipoadenoma.

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