Comparison of intra-articular injection of local anaesthetic Ropivacaine versus Ropivacaine+Ketorolac and Ropivacaine+Tramadol for post-operative pain relief in knee and hip arthroplasty surgeries under spinal anaesthesia

Authors : Anita Surana, Anita Surana, Vipin Baxi, Vipin Baxi

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijca.2021.040

Volume : 8

Issue : 2

Year : 2021

Page No : 199-204

Context: Local anaesthetic infiltration in knee and hip arthroplasty is employed as a part of multi-model analgesia to reduce opiate consumption and help in early ambulation of elderly people It reduces postoperative pain effectively and thus reduces complications like Deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism,
pneumonia and even myocardial infection. Addition of ketorolac or Tramadol further prolongs the
duration of analgesia.
Aims: To compare the local anaesthetic infiltration of Ropivacaine alone and Ropivacaine with Ketorolac and Ropivacaine with tramadol for postoperative pain relief in knee and hip arthroplasty.
Materials and Methods: Randomize double-blind study was conducted on 60 patients undergoing knee or hip arthroplasty under spinal anaesthesia. Group A patients received wound infiltration with Inj. Ropivacaine0.75% 50ml (5-7 mg/kg), Group B patients received Inj. Ropivacaine 0.75% 50 ml+1ml Inj.
Ketorolac(30 mg) and Group C patients received Inj Ropivacaine 0.75% 50 ml+ Inj Tramadol 2ml (100mg), all diluted with NS to make 100 ml infiltration. Post-operative pain scores, time of first rescue analgesia (FRA), hemodynamic parameters and total rescue analgesic consumed in 24 hrs. as Inj Diclofenac and Tramadol was assessed and any untoward incidences like nausea, vomiting, knee swelling & Hypotension etc. were noted.
Results: The VA Score was significantly lower in Grp C as compared to Grp B and A in first 4-6 hrs. as tramadol and ketorolac significantly prolongs the duration of analgesia. VA score in Grp Cis 3.8+_0.52, as compared to 4.02 ±1.58 in Grp B and 5.7 ±1.014 in Grp A. which was statistically significant( P value
0.0141). The time of first rescue analgesia (FRA) was also prolonged by 2.2 hrs. in Grp C as compared to Grp B and C which is statistically significant .(P value 0.003).The total rescue analgesia in 24 hrs. given as Inj Diclofenac and Inj Tramadol was significantly lower in Grp C as compared to Grp B and A. No of pts requiring rescue analgesia was also less 45% in Grp C as compared to 50% and 95% in Grp B and A respectively. 25% pts in Grp C has excellent pain relief as compared to 20% in Grp B and 10% in Grp A.
No untoward effect like nausea vomiting is noted in any patient, only 3 pts in Grp A and 2 pts in Grp B required bl transfusion.
Conclusion: Local infiltration of Ropivacaine provides good analgesia. Addition of tramadol or Ketorolac prolongs the analgesic effect of Ropivacaine and lowers the VAS significantly and improves patient satisfaction score. It also decreases post-operative 24hrs NSAID or opioid consumption.

Keywords: Ropivacaine, Local anaesthetic infiltration, Intraarticular, Peri articular, NSAID, Opioid.

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