Impact on quality of life in family members of patients suffering from vitiligo

Authors : Animesh Saxena, Animesh Saxena, Vivek Kumar Dey, Vivek Kumar Dey, Neetu Chaudhary, Neetu Chaudhary, Prachi Shrivastava, Prachi Shrivastava, Somya Sharma, Somya Sharma

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijced.2020.002

Volume : 6

Issue : 1

Year : 2020

Page No : 5-9

Introduction: Vitiligo affects patients profoundly as onlookers tend to stare at individuals with Vitiligo
which impacts social life of patients and family members. Family members are hidden patients which are
often missed in clinics, they suffer psychologically and never seek consultation for their suffering.
Objective: To analyze effect of vitiligo on family member’s quality of life and to identify the different
aspects of a family member’s FDLQI that may be affected by having a family member with Vitiligo.
Materials and Methods: Consenting adults family members of 50 patients with Vitiligo, attending the
OPD of a tertiary care, teaching hospital completed the standard FDLQI questionnaire.
Results: Based upon the FDLQI scoring, quality of life of 62% of patient’s family member were found to be
affected in varying degrees (mean total score: 11.947.721). 10 aspects of FDLQI of family members were
identified which were adversely affected the patients skin disease. These were categorized into 10 main
topic areas: Emotional distress (70%), Physical well-being (56%), personal relationship (58%), People’s
attitude (66%), Social life (56%), Leisure activities (52%), Burden of care (74%), Effect on housework
(52%), Financial aspect (78%).
Conclusion: Vitiligo can have a profound impact on not just patient’s but his/her family member’s quality
of life.

Keywords: Depigmentary disorder, Family dermatology life qualityIndex, Gender, Quality of life, Vitiligo.

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