Maturogenesis: A novel concept based on regeneration for peadatric patients

Authors : Kuldeep Singh, Suneel Kumar Gupta, Chanchal Singh, Sakshi Kataria

DOI : 10.18231/2456-8953.2018.0019

Volume : 3

Issue : 3

Year : 0

Page No : 75-81

The problems encountered while treating immature, necrotic teeth has led to a shift in the treatment protocol. The biologically-based principles and regenerative endodontic protocols replacing the traditional methods. Preliminary research suggests that Revascularization has emerged as such an alternative. The stem and progenitor cells from the pulp and? or periodontium lead to root development. The aim of this paper is to accomplish a literature review concerning this novel concept.

Keywords: Maturogenesis, Regeneration, Immature Teeth, Revascularization, Revitalization.


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