Vaping and oral health

Authors : Rajiv Ahluwalia, Kunal Sharma, Parvinder Kaur Bindra, Shabih Fatima

DOI : 10.18231/j.sujhs.2020.001

Volume : 6

Issue : 1

Year : 2020

Page No : 1-4

Electronic cigarettes also known as e-cigarettes, which deliver a vaporised smoke of nicotine and promise
less toxicants than conventional cigarette smoke. However, studies suggest e-cigarettes are not completely
harmless but are less dangerous than traditional cigarettes. The promise of help in smoking cessation
effectiveness is still unproven and requires further evidence and studies. There are ongoing studies on
deleterious oral and systemic health effects. Because of the rising popularity of vaping, it is absolutely vital
that dental professionals must stay informed to provide patients truthful information as new data emerge.

Keywords: Ecigarette, Vaping, Smoke, Cigarette, Oral health, Effect.

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