Clinicopathological profile of lung cancer in a teaching hospital in Eastern India

Authors : Snehal Baban Jadhav, Snehal Baban Jadhav, Dipti Aniruddha Kadam, Dipti Aniruddha Kadam

DOI : 10.18231/2581-4222.2018.0047

Volume : 3

Issue : 4

Year : 0

Page No : 193-195

Background: There is a sharp rise in the occurrence of lung malignancy in recent years with considerable change in clinical and pathological course. Lung cancer is vigorous in nature with poor outcome.
Our study intends to assess clinicopathological aspects of patients with lung malignancy in Eastern India.
Methodology: We retrospectively assessed the inpatient documents of histopathologically proven cases of primary lung malignancy from July 2016 to June 2018.
Results: We enrolled 63 patients of lung cancer. The disease showed 77.7% male predominance (M:F 3.5:1) and 73% occurrence in smokers. Majority of our patient (52.3%) aged greater than 60 years with an average age of 60.36 years. Productive cough in 95.2% and tumour mass in 85.7% was the common symptom and radiological presentation respectively. Histologically adenocarcinoma was seen in 66.67% of the patient and prevailed over 28.57% of squamous cell carcinoma.
Conclusions: Adenocarcinoma of lung exceeds the decade old prevalent squamous cell carcinoma.

Keywords: Lung cancer; Productive cough; Lung mass; Adenocarcinoma.

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