Assessment of knowledge and practice towards tobacco and alcohol consumption among male adolescents in urban slums of Delhi

Authors : Pushpanjali Swain, Pushpanjali Swain, Prakash Singh, Prakash Singh

DOI : 10.18231/j.jpmhh.2020.003

Volume : 6

Issue : 1

Year : 2020

Page No : 10-15

Background: Tobacco and alcohol consumption has become a serious public health problem. Evidences
show that both alcohol and tobacco consumption can cause substantial health related morbidity and
mortality among adolescents. The Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS), a cross-sectional survey
conducted among school students, aged 13–15 years, highlighted that the overall prevalence of current
tobacco users in India was (14.6%) in the year 2009. The consumption of tobacco and alcohol among
adolescents in India is increasing dramatically. Hence, a study was conducted to assess the level of
knowledge and practice about alcohol and tobacco consumption among male adolescents. The objective
of the study was to assess the level of knowledge and practice regarding tobacco and alcohol consumption
among the male adolescents living in urban slum of Delhi.
Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out among 100 male adolescents from urban slums of Delhi.
Data was collected using semi-structured, self-administered interview schedule. The collected data was
entered using Microsoft Excel 2007 and was analyzed using IBM SPSS statistics 20. Chi-square test was
applied and level of significance was kept at P value of <0> July.
Results: The knowledge level among adolescents regarding tobacco and alcohol and its harmful effects
found satisfactory. Almost all the participants had knowledge regarding different forms of tobacco and
diseases caused by tobacco intake in various forms and alcohol consumption. In spite of having sound
knowledge of harmful effect of tobacco and alcohol, high percentage was using them. Only (14.0%) of
study participants never consumed any kind of tobacco and alcohol.
Conclusions: In our study we revealed that mere knowledge regarding tobacco intake and alcohol
consumption is not important. Participants of the study having adequate knowledge didn’t practice the
same. The implementation of strict rules regarding prevention from tobacco and alcohol is needed.

Keywords: Adolescents,  Tobacco and alcohol consumption.

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