Interpretation of synovial biopsy –A retrospective study

Authors : S Keerthana, Volga Harikrishnan, Chitra Srinivasan

DOI : 10.18231/j.achr.2019.039

Volume : 4

Issue : 3

Year : 2019

Page No : 205-208

Introduction: The synovial membrane is a layer of specialized connective tissue that lines the cavities
of joints, tendon sheaths and bursae; it secretes synovial fluid into the joint cavity. The joint diseases are
common orthopedic problems. This can lead to widespread disability and morbidity. Synovial biopsy is a
procedure where a sample of joint lining or synovial membrane is taken. The evaluation of synovial biopsy
is an important part of investigative procedure in patients presenting with joint problems. This study aims
to observe the spectrum of lesions affecting the synovial membrane of the joint.
Materials and Methods: This is a type of case control study with retrospective analysis of synovial biopsy
over a period of 10 months from the data collected from archives of Department of Pathology of our
Result: In this study increased incidence of chronic nonspecific synovitis was diagnosed. The synovial
biopsy was most commonly taken in males and among the 41-50 age groups.
Conclusion: Synovial biopsy is a very important diagnostic tool for early detection of the joint pathologies.
This helps in better prognosis and patient care.

Keywords: Chronic nonspecific synovitis, Histopathological findings, Suppurative arthritis, Synovial biopsy.

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