Evaluation of short stature in paediatric age group in rural medical college

Authors : Bharti Dubey, Swati Raipurkar, Nagesh Chandra Doharey, Neha , Unique Sagar

DOI : 10.18231/2581-4702.2018.0036

Volume : 4

Issue : 4

Year : 0

Page No : 161-166

Introduction: Short stature is defined as height below 3rd centile or less than two standard deviations (SDs) below the median height for that age and sex according to the population standard. Approximately 3% children in any population will be short, amonst which almost 50% are having physiological short stature. The most common cause of short stature was found to be Idiopathic short stature.
Materials and Methods: All Patients attending the OPD and IPD in IMCHRC from May 2017 to April 2018 between the age group 2-12 years were included in the study. Height and Weight were plotted on appropriate growth charts and centiles determined. The Patients of short stature were identified by these charts. The detailed history, physical examination and X-ray for bone age of all the short stature cases were done. Thyroid profile, Growth hormone and other necessary and relevant investigations were done in selected cases.
Result: In the present study, Out of 3000 patients 124 were diagnosed as having short stature. This incidence is about 4.2% of the total population. Amongst 124 subjects diagnosed as short stature, 91.9% (114 cases) were having proportionate short stature while only about 8.1% (10 cases) were having disproportionate short stature. In 29.8% (37 cases) were Idiopathic (where no pathology was found).
Conclusion: Idiopathic short stature, including familial short stature and constitutional growth delay is the most common cause of short stature, also chronic systemic illnesses and endocrinal disorders, especially hypothyroidism were found to be on higher side.

Keywords: Short stature, Idiopathic short stature, Chronic systemic illness, Endocrinal disorder.

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