To correlate HER-2/neu status in invasive ductal carcinoma breast with histopathological grades of Nottingham score

Authors : Pooja Agarwal, Pooja Agarwal, Dupinder Kaur, Dupinder Kaur

DOI : 10.18231/j.pjms.2021.003

Volume : 11

Issue : 1

Year : 2021

Page No : 10-12

Background & Methods: The present study entitled “To correlate HER-2/neu status in invasive ductal carcinoma breast with histopathological grades of Nottingham score” was conducted in Dept. of Pathology, at SRMSIMS, Bareilly.
Result: Out of 56 cases all grade 1 tumour were negative for Her2/neu while in grade 2, 17 cases (43.58%) were positive for Her2/neu and in grade 3, 08 cases (80%) were positive for Her 2/neu.
Study Designed: Observational Study
Conclusion: Among all the 60 cases studied it was seen most of the cases with grade 1 tumor were positive for ER & PR receptors & carry better prognosis, while the grade 3 cases were mostly positive for Her2/neu & have poor prognosis. Positive Her2/neu expressed were mostly ER & PR negative & this shows inverse correlation among them.

Keywords: Ductal Carcinoma, Breast, Histopathology & HER-2/neu..

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