Awareness of crypto currency among adults

Authors : Ambily A.S., Achal Damodar K.S.

DOI : 10.18231/j.jmra.2022.030

Volume : 9

Issue : 3

Year : 2022

Page No : 162-166

Crypto currency, an encrypted, peer-to-peer network for facilitating digital barter, is a technology developed eight years ago. Bitcoin, the first and most popular crypto currency, is paving the way as a disruptive technology to long standing and unchanged financial payment systems that have been in place for many decades. While crypto currencies are not likely to replace traditional fiat currency, they could change the way Internet-connected global markets interact with each other, clearing away barriers surrounding normative national currencies and exchange rates. Technology advances at a rapid rate, and the success of a given technology is almost solely dictated by the market upon which it seeks to improve. Crypto currencies may revolutionize digital trade markets by creating a free-flowing trading system without fees. Present study aims to understand the awareness of Crypto Currency among adults with reference to Kerala.

Keywords: Crypto, Currency, Encrypted, Bitcoin, Tether

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