Ultrasonic tips in endodontics- A review of literature

Authors : Swikriti Agrawal, Lalit C. Boruah, B Rajkumar, Gitanjali Singh

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijce.2019.011

Volume : 4

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 53-55

During the past few years, there is great advancement seen in endodontic treatment outcome with the development of operating microscope and ultrasonics. It is an adjunct in the treatment of difficult cases. In present day, almost all the endodontic treatment and surgery can be done easily with ultrasonic. This review of the literature aims at presenting the various uses of US tips and gives importance to the broad applications in a modern-day endodontic practice.

Keywords: Ultrasonic tip, Ultrasonic tips in endodontics, Ultrasonic, Innovation.

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