Gastric and gastroesophageal junction carcinomas and its morphological features, tertiary care centre study

Authors : Linta Thampi, P S Jayalakshmy, Merin Jose

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpo.2019.075

Volume : 6

Issue : 3

Year : 2019

Page No : 388-392

Introduction: Cancer is a global health burden affecting every region and socioeconomic levels. Gastric cancer is the fifth most common cancer in the world. Despite an overall declining incidence, gastric adenocarcinoma remains the second most common cause of death worldwide due to malignant disease.
Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study was done in the Department of Pathology, in a Tertiary care centre in central part of Kerala during a period of 18 months (January 2014 - July 2015). Gross examination and morphological assessment of 60 gastrectomy specimens received in the department were done. Study was approved by institutional ethical committee.
Results: 68.3 percentage of cases were located in the pyloric region. 65 percentage cases had extension into serosa. 46.7 percentage cases were intestinal type.33.3 percentage diffuse type, 16.7pércentage mixed type and 3.3 percentage mucinous type were seen. 51.6 percentage cases were in pTNM stage 2. 
Conclusion: Most of the gastric carcinomas were intestinal type. Cases showed a predominance of pathological stage 2 in this study.

Keywords: Gastric and gastroesophageal junction carcinoma, Intestinal type, Stage.

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