Clinicopathological study of meningioma from rural setup of central India : A 5 year experience

Authors : Prasheelkumar Gupta, Richa Goyal

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpo.2019.105

Volume : 6

Issue : 4

Year : 2019

Page No : 539-542

Introduction: Meningioma comprises if 33.5% of total CNS tumors detected. There is lack of
clinicopathological study of meningioma from rural setup in central India. The objective of this study
is to give idea about the descriptive epidemiology, clinical presentation and histopathology for the central
India rural population.
Materials and Methods: This study is retrospective observational study from the period of January 2014
to Feb 2019 in MGIMS, Sewagram. Inclusion criteria consists of all the histopathological proven cases of
meningioma in department of Neurosurgery, MGIMS Sewagram during the same period. Rest of the CNS
tumors were excluded from the study.
Results: Out of 168 cases of CNS tumors operated, menigioma consists of 44 cases accounting for 26.19%
of total CNS tumors. The average age of presentation was 44.1 years. M:F ratio of 1:1.32. Most common
affected age group was 30-50 years comprising 24 cases (54.54%) The most common clinical symptoms
for intracranial meningioma were headache followed by vomiting and seizures. Among intracranial
meningioma, the most common location was convexity meningioma (40.54%) followed by parasagittal
(13.51%) and parafalcine meningioma (10.81%). Most common histopathological variety encountered
was meningothelial in 42.72% cases. WHO grade I consists of majority of the tumors (95.45%) while
grade II consists of 4.55%.
Conclusion: The descriptive epidemiology of meningioma in our rural setup roughly correlates with the
epidemiology elsewhere in India apart from the male to female ratio; which could be due to lack of seeking
medical care among females in our society.

Keywords: CNS tumor, Meningioma, Epidemiology of meningioma.

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