Exteriorization of uterus before placental expulsion and intra-myometrial oxytocin versus in situ repair and IV oxytocin during LSCS – A comparative study

Authors : Sahadev Sahoo, Debraj Mondal, Amar Nath Gupta, Ajit Ranjan Bhattacharya

DOI : 10.18231/2394-2754.2018.0003

Volume : 5

Issue : 1

Year : 0

Page No : 9-14

Introduction: A suitable modification of any step of caesarean section to reduce blood-loss should be considered as the morbidity and mortality of CS is mostly associated with excessive hemorrhage.
Aim: This is a comparative study of uterine exteriorization and intra-myometrial (IMM) oxytocin 5 IU before placental expulsion with conventional method of intra-abdominal repair with 10 IU IV oxytocin with primary objective to compare the blood-loss.
Materials and Methods: A prospective study of 2 groups, 100 women in each group (Primis & 2nd gravidas between 19-34 years of age) having hemoglobin above 10 gm% in cephalic presentation with almost identical indications for CS excluding prematurity, APH, IUGR, bleeding disorders, fibroids etc.
Standard caesarean procedure followed except exteriorization of uterus before placenta delivery and IMM oxytocin 5 IU in Gr1; and intra-abdominal repair and slow IV 10 IU oxytocin in Gr2. Preoperative, Postoperative and difference of Hb, duration of surgery from baby birth to starting of abdominal closure, blood-loss by volumetric method noted and compared after mean calculation by student t and chi-square test. Intra-operative and post-operative complications compared by relative risk calculation.
Results: The values of postoperative Hb level 99.2 against 89.2g/l, Hb difference between pre- and postoperative level 12.7 against 23.2g/l, blood loss 394.8 ml against 461.6 ml, duration of surgery 11 min 10 sec against 19 min 53 sec were highly significant (p < 0.0001 by student t and chi square test). The hospital stay with relative risk calculation shows significant difference between 2 groups.
Conclusion: Exteriorization of uterus before placental separation and IMM oxytocin reduces not only blood loss and time taken in caesarean sections, also the hospital stay.

Keywords: Exteriorization. IMM oxytocin. Placental expulsion. Hospital stay.

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