A rare clinical presentation of urinary bladder carcinoma: A case report

Authors : Rekha N Patil, Sandhya Poflee, Waman Raut

DOI : 10.18231/2394-6792.2018.0068

Volume : 5

Issue : 2

Year : 0

Page No : 354-356

Metastasis of carcinoma to regional lymph nodes is of common occurrence. Cervical lymph nodes are the commonest lymph nodes to be sampled for detection of metastasis from head neck and upper are digestive tract malignancies. Morphological confirmation of metastasis in the lymph nodes either by cytology or histopathology decides the further plan of treatment for the patient. Rarely cervical lymph nodes can show evidence of metastasis from urinary bladder carcinoma. In the present case the cervical lymph node biopsy was helpful in the diagnosis and treatment of the patient. The histopathological findings were later confirmed by immunohistochemistry supporting the diagnosis of metastasis of urinary bladder carcinoma to the left cervical lymph nodes. To arrive at the correct diagnosis complete clinical workup, clinicoradiological correlation and high index of suspicion is required. Reporting this case will emphasize the rare clinical presentation of urinary bladder carcinoma. 

Keywords: Urinary bladder carcinoma, Cervical lymph nodes, Metastasis, Uroplakin.

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