Anti Mullerian hormone levels in women of central Madhya Pradesh- A retrospective analysis

Authors : Ranjana Hawaldar, Ranjana Hawaldar, Sadhna Sodani, Sadhna Sodani

DOI : 10.18231/j.jdpo.2019.059

Volume : 4

Issue : 4

Year : 2019

Page No : 282-285

Introduction: Anti Mullerian Hormone(AMH) is homodimeric protein that is classified under the
superfamily of transforming growth factor beta(TGF-b ). The granulose cells of the primary, preantral
and small antral follicles of the ovary express this hormone. AMH levels remain fairly constant throughout
the cycle which makes it a favourable and suitable marker for determining the ovarian reserve in women of
reproductive age. The present retrospective study was carried out with the aim of studying the AMH levels
in women upto 50 years of age coming to our diagnostic centre for AMH screening for different reasons
Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective study conducted between January to August 2019 in
women upto 50 years of age coming to our diagnostic centre for AMH screening test. They were divided
into <20> further classified as <1>10.0 ng /ml .The mean and median values
were calculated for each group.
Results: AMH levels below 1 ng/ml were observed in 102/400(25.5%) patients. AMH levels between 1-4
ng/ml was observed in 171/400 (42.75%) women. High AMH values between 4-8 ng/ml were observed in
90/400(22.5%) women out of which66/90(73.33%)were in 21-30 years age range, followed by 18.89% in
31-40 years, 6.67% below 20 years and 1.11?ove 40 years of age
Conclusion: Since AMH levels do not vary with the days of the menstrual cycle in women, it is one of the
best markers available in the current scenario for assessing the ovarian reserve in women of reproductive
age group. Our study emphasizes the observation that PCOS is a growing health problem in women of
reproductive age due to several factors like sedentary life style, lack of exercise and unhealthy eating habits
which can be easily managed by lifestyle changes.

Keywords: Anti Mullerian hormone, LH, FSH, PCOS.

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