Molar distalization – A review

Authors : Vinay Umale, Vinay Umale, Neha Jalgaonkar, Neha Jalgaonkar, Chetan Patil, Chetan Patil, M Bala Gangadhar, M Bala Gangadhar, Sayali Sheth, Sayali Sheth

DOI : 10.18231/2455-6785.2018.0028

Volume : 4

Issue : 3

Year : 0

Page No : 146-150

Esthetics plays a major role from orthodontic treatment to results. Gaining space in dental arch is the most important step in the treatment planning which can be achieved by different methods one of which is molar distalisation. To distalise molars in upper arch using non-extraction treatment, various appliances have been invented. The first attempt for this technique was the use of headgear appliance, but this needed patient compliance and was esthetically unpleasing. Thus, various intra-oral devices were introduced for molar distalisation.

Keywords: Disitilisation, Pendulum appliance, Anchorage.

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