Estimated protein output a novel reliable index in early prediction of renal failure

Authors : K Alamelu Mangai, Vijaya Srinivasan, Santhi Silambanan

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijcbr.2020.014

Volume : 7

Issue : 1

Year : 2020

Page No : 65-70

Introduction: Assessment of proteinuria and albuminuria are the major core elements in diagnosis and
management of renal failure. Measurement of albumin: creatinine ratio has been chosen as the golden
standard for the determination of kidney failure.
Objective: The objective of the present study was to determine whether urine protein – creatinine ratio and
estimated protein output( EPO) can be use d as significant indices to identify kidney injury at an earlier
stage. To achieve this goal t he sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of urinary protein-creatinine
ratio were compared with urinary albumin: creatinine ratio and EPO.
Materials and Methods: Random urine samples were collected from 154 individuals aged between 25-65
years who attended the outpatient clinic at the hospital.
Results: The urinary protein - creatinine ratio had a sensitivity of 87% and specificity of 78% respectively.
Conclusion: The results substantiate that the urinary protein: creatinine ratio can be used as a reliable
and non-expensive marker to screen individuals a t risk of chronic kidney failure and quantification by
determining EPO is an accurate method to detect kidney failure at an earlier stage.

Keywords: Sensitivity, Specificity, Renal failure, Urine protein, Creatinine ratio, Urine albumin, Creatinine ratio, Estimated protein output (EPO)

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