A profile study of death due to blunt trauma to abdomen

Authors : Vinod Kumar Garg, Vinod Kumar Garg, Sachin Kumar Meena, Sachin Kumar Meena, Brijesh Tatwal, Brijesh Tatwal

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijfmts.2020.006

Volume : 5

Issue : 1

Year : 2020

Page No : 24-26

Trauma to abdomen and its complication causes mortality to any age groups. The solid organ such as spleen, liver kidney, pancreas etc are the most vulnerable, while the hollow viscera like stomach, Intestines and bladder are likely to be involved less. The outstanding features of injury to solid organ are hemorrhage and shock while shock follows with development of peritonitis is occurred in case of injury to hollow visceral organs. This study describes the frequency and pattern of blunt abdominal trauma which is amongst the common cause of mortality among any age group. Aim of this study to analyze the pattern of injury, find out the cause of death with preventive measures. The present study was undertaken on 184 victims died due to blunt trauma to abdomen which were autopsied at GMC Kota mortuary during 2017 to 2018. This study shows that number of deaths due to blunt trauma to abdomen are more in males with age groups of 21 30 years. Major causes for these are road traffic accident. Most number of deaths occurs within 1-6 hours of injuries. Hemorrhagic shock is the main cause of death.

Keywords: Blunt abdominal trauma, Intraabdominal injuries, Hemorrhagic shock.

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