Prominant squamous metaplasia with extensive myxoid degeneration and associated ischaemic infarction in fibroadenoma of breast: A diagnostic dilemma

Authors : Poonam Prasad Bhadani, Iffat Jamal, Nishir Ojha, Rakesh Kumar Gupta

DOI : 10.18231/2456-9267.2018.0023

Volume : 3

Issue : 2

Year : 0

Page No : 111-112

Fibroadenoma is the most commonly diagnosed benign tumour in adolescents and young women. Squamous metaplasia and prominent myxoid degeneation with associated ischaemia infarction is not a common finding without history of trauma in fibroadenoma. We report a 16 year old unmarried female which posed a diagnostic dilemma due to presence of unusual histopathological findings, which is sparsly reported in English literature.

Keywords: Breast, Fibroadenoma, Infarction, Squamous metaplasia, Myxoid degeneration.

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