A study of hematological parameters and their correlation with thyroid hormone status in non-pregnant women of childbearing age

Authors : Archana Shetty, Vijaya C

DOI : 10.18231/2394-6792.2019.0018

Volume : 6

Issue : 1

Year : 2019

Page No : 102-106

Introduction: Thyroid imbalances and anaemia due to their high prevalence and close interrelationship constitute a good proportion of problems encountered by practitioners, especially in the female reproductive age group. In a developing country it becomes all the more important to study the relationship between the same as correction of the hormonal imbalance may restore the deranged haematological parameters to normal.
|Aims and Objectives: To compare the haematological parameters among the various thyroid hormonal statuses (euthyroid hypothyroid and hyperthyroid) in non-pregnant females.
Materials and Methods: 50 non pregnant females between ages of 18–45 years newly diagnosed with hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism were taken up for the study. 50 normal age matched females with normal thyroid hormonal levels were taken as controls. The haematological parameters of the three categories were further compared with a p value of <0> Results: There was significant variation in the haematological parameters like Haemoglobin, RBC count, total count highest between the hyper and hypothyroid groups. RDW and AEC was significantly more in hypothyroid groups though within normal limits. No significant variation was seen for MCV indicating the type of anaemia in the hypothyroid group to be of the normocytic type.
Conclusion: Thyroid dysfunction has effect on haematological parameters. Evaluation of anaemia in females must include screening for thyroid dysfunction.

Keywords: Anaemia, Hypothyroid, Hyperthyroid, Haematological parameters, Euthyroid.

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